As a research professional multi-mode data collection can be a challenge. Let Qume take the difficulty and frustration out of these studies with the following services:


Scanned Data Capture

Get your paper surveys scanned, converted, and stored electronically. (learn more)

Traditional Data Entry

When scanned data capture does not fit the bill, take advantage of our key entry services. (learn more)

Data Conversion and Cleaning

Turn existing data in just about any format into something much more usable and analysis ready. (learn more)

Qualitative Open End Coding

Quick, cost efficient open end coding services to allow quantitative analysis from your qualitative data.

Inbound Mail Processing

From bulk shipments to business reply mail we have you covered for inbound mail processing. (learn more)

Custom Survey Check-In

Some jobs require a heavy, detail oriented check-in, editing, and in depth problem resolution. Let us handle this labor intensive process for you. (learn more)

Post Processing Document Storage

Need access to your images immediately? Access them online through Qume’s image portal. (learn more)

Outbound Print and Mail House Services

Have us manage and execute your survey formatting, printing, and mailing. (learn more)

Bid Request

Submit your bid request online today! (learn more)